Big Ollie - Burst Sequence - Carlos Ornelas

En nuestro anterior post se demostró el potencial de nuestro amigo Carlos Ornelas y su gran pop haha


Aquel día también grabamos una secuencia de fotos con la cual el estuvo muy satisfecho debido a que obtuvimos un clip y unas fotos muy increíbles.

Esperamos las disfruten y estaremos compartiendo mas momentos con la comunidad skate hive a traves de skate hype.

Que esperas para unirte a la revolución skate hype en la web 3.0?

In our previous post the potential of our friend Carlos Ornelas and his great pop haha was demonstrated.


That day we also shot a sequence of photos with which he was very pleased because we got a very amazing clip and photos.

We hope you enjoy them and we will be sharing more moments with the skate hive community through skate hype.

What are you waiting for to join the skate hype revolution on web 3.0?

Place: Hilamas Skatepark
Mode: Burst Photos
Camera: GoPro 10

Follow Him on Instagram

Find More Here:

Skate Hype: https://www.skatehype.com/keepskating
Peakd: https://peakd.com/@keepskating420
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@keepskating
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/c/keepskating
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keepskatingmx
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keep_skating_mx

   Aug 14, 2022
