How Skateboarding Filmers can be rewarded with the Extra Filmer Reward System


We started a simplified Extra Filmer Reward System for those Skateboarding Filmers that use for posting their videos instead other Platforms.

  • Set your rol as filmer in Control Panel -> Modify profile data. This is a private feature and must be activated by an @admin.
  • Upload a video, with a duration greater or equal than 60 seconds

Done. Don't forget to share the video to people who wants to watch it, rewards will be proportionally to plays, easy.

Where to find the accumulated funds?

Balance can be found in the Player, Stats Pages and for the owner, Control Panel -> Extra Filmer Rewards. it will show when balance > 0.

How do I withdraw these funds?

Must have a Hive wallet connected in order to withdraw coins. Create an account with Hive Keychain wallet or ask to @admin for create one for free.


These funds are an extra tip and belong to the platform until they are withdrawn. If they are not withdrawn within a year, these funds are returned to the platform's cashbox to be distributed again.

For further information please contact

Email to
Instagram @skatehypecom
Or direct message.

   Apr 1, 2022
